Deep River Ancient Muster

Deep River Ancient Muster

The DRAM is the oldest and largest gathering of fife and drum participants and enthusiasts in the world and has been referred to as “The Granddaddy of All Musters”, and “A Colonial Woodstock”.

Schedule: The Muster is always the 3rd Saturday in July


Friday starting at 7:00 pm at Devitt’s Field

  • Host Corps: Deep River Junior Ancients


Saturday starting at 11:00 am. The parade starts at the corner of Main and Kirtland Streets and proceeds down Main Street to Devitt’s Field.


Starts immediately following the parade at Devitt’s Field
Roads close at 10:30 am.

  • Parking in several locations along Main Street, Deep River Congregational Church, The Stone House, Deep River Hardware, Deep River Public Library and Route 80