LEGAL NOTICE: Special Town Meeting Wednesday 9/27/2023-Loan Approval, Reserve Fund Appropriations

Event Date: 
Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - 7:00pm



Special Town Meeting

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 @ 7:00pm Richard H. Smith Town Hall

The electors and those persons eligible to vote in town meetings of the Town of Deep River, Connecticut, are hereby warned and notified that a Special Town Meeting will be held at the Richard H. Smith Town Hall, 174 Main Street, Deep River, Connecticut, on Wednesday, September 27th at 7:00pm for the following purpose:


     1. To approve actions of the Board of Selectmen’s special meeting of September 12, 2023 and Board of Finance’s special meeting of     August 22, 2023:

         a. To appropriate up to $500,000 for the purchase of the following Town assets: $330,000 for one street sweeper; $100,000 for one woodchipper; $30,000 for self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) for the Fire Department and $30,000 for costs of issuance.

          b. To finance the appropriation by issuing the Town’s bonds, notes or other obligations in an amount not to exceed $500,000, reduced by any grants received by and allocated to the purchases by the Town;

          c. To authorize the First Selectman and Treasurer to determine the terms, conditions and other details of the bonds, notes or other obligations;

          d. To take actions under applicable Internal Revenue Service regulations to allow the Town to make temporary advances of available funds and reimburse the advances from the proceeds of borrowings and to issue the bonds, notes or other obligations on a tax-exempt basis; and

          e. To authorize the First Selectman to enter into contracts for the purchases and authorize Town officials and employees to take all other actions necessary to complete the purchases and issue the bonds, notes or other obligations to finance the appropriation.


     2. To approve actions of the Board of Selectmen’s special meeting of September 12, 2023 and Board of Finance’s special meeting of August 22, 2023:

          a. To appropriate $150,000 from the reserve fund to the road maintenance budget line to cover the cost of additional paving.


     3. To approve actions of the Board of Selectmen’s and Board of Finance’s special meeting of September 12, 2023:

          a. To appropriate an expenditure of $152,197.95 from the reserve fund to Deep River Elementary school to cover an unanticipated expense.

          b. To appropriate $50,000 from the reserve fund to supplement the Urban Act Grant of $325,000 for playground equipment.


     Dated at Deep River, CT, this 13th day of September, 2023.


     Board of Selectmen:   Angus L. McDonald     Duane A. Gates     James A. Olson