From the First Selectman's Desk

News from the First Selectman

Wow, we finally had a measurable snow storm!  With the schools closed on Monday and Tuesday and a delayed opening on Wednesday, I hope you all had a chance to enjoy the snow.

Please continue to take precautions this weekend as the extreme cold will stick around through Sunday. We will see a warming trend beginning Monday, with rain coming in on Wednesday and then temperatures hitting a high of 48 degrees on Thursday! Crazy New England weather indeed.

The Municipal Veteran Representative Program began in 1949 under the Veterans Advisory Committee, which was established by State Legislation in 1943. Towns were allowed to create a local committee to assist veterans in addressing their needs post WWII. The program remained essentially unchanged until 2013, when a series of acts over the next decade would (1) make the program mandatory, (2) establish direct contact persons if a town had no committee, (3) require representative training and posting of their contact information, (4) allow volunteers to serve as municipal representatives, and (5) allow towns to share a committee or representative.

Currently, Deep River does not have a Municipal Veteran Representative, so as First Selectman, I have attended the last two regional Veteran’s Committee meetings. One was this past Tuesday. They are very informative, and while I have learned a great deal, I feel that Deep River needs someone who can serve in this role who is a veteran or who has practical experience handling veterans’ issues. The requirements are: (1) must be available to veterans in person, by telephone, or by email for a minimum number of hours the town requires and (2) file a monthly performance report with the municipality on the veterans served and services provided (3) attend a mandatory training session in June, and  (4) attend 1 monthly meeting (usually remote). If you are interested in volunteering to serve as Deep River’s municipal veteran service representative, please call my office.

Speaking of Veteran’s, this week I also met with Rich Nagot, regarding the Veteran’s Memorial Green. Did you know that every veteran that enlisted from Deep River and is now discharged, can have their name engraved on a brick and placed at the Columbia Memorial? They currently have 13 bricks that will be installed this spring. We thank you for your service; you all deserve to be honored. Please call the town hall and let us know if you or a family member has yet to be recognized. Mr. Nagot will get in touch with you.

I met with the Dick Leighton, our Building Inspector for an update on that department. We are moving towards accepting permit fees on line. He also informed me that we will soon be looking to hire a part time assistant in the building department when Terri leaves for a full-time position in Chester. That position will be posted in the next few weeks.

Deep River Land Trust (DRLT) president, Laurie Giannotti and Land Trust member Patrick Liddle stopped by my office to share with me an exciting outdoor education program that they are developing to benefit the youth of the community. The DRLT is in the process of applying for a grant and were seeking my endorsement to support their application. We are so lucky to have such an active Land Trust. They are a nonprofit conservation organization that seeks to protect and preserve open-space land in Deep River for the use and enjoyment of Deep River residents and visitors. The State of Connecticut has a goal of preserving 30% of land as open space. The Deep River Land Trust has that same goal. They are close. If you are tired of paying taxes on a parcel of land that you own and don’t plan to develop or know of someone in the same position, perhaps a donation to the Land Trust would make sense. What a wonderful legacy. Please reach out to the Land Trust if you are interested in a land donation or if you want to get involved. Check out their web site: DRLT

The town clerk, one of the registrars of voters and myself, sat down to talk about Connecticut’s Early Voting option and how it will work here in Deep River. Yes, it is here. It starts this year. The first time we will see an early voting option will be in the April primary. While there are still so many details and procedures to work out, the group is up for the challenge. Look for more information as the primary draws near. If you aren’t yet registered to vote in Deep River, now is the time to take care of that. Even though same day voter registration is allowed, it will require more time be spent at the polling place on election day.  You may pick up a voter registration card in the town clerk’s office or register on line following the link from the town web page. Here you may also check your voter registration status. Voter Information

Transfer Station Update: I am happy to report that the popular food scrap program will continue at the transfer station after the pilot program grant runs out on Feb 1st. The cost to the town will be covered by the money received from the State of Connecticut miniature bottle surcharge, or ‘Nips money’. I will confer with the sustainable committee about the details, such as what types of bags will be allowed, etc. Look for more information next week. Signs will also be posted at the transfer station. Let’s keep up the great work separating out the food scraps from the other household trash. Currently, we are diverting 5-6 tons a month from the household waste stream.

Also, we are still seeking a full-time employee to cover the transfer station. Please call the selectman’s office (860-526-6020) for more information and to apply. You must be willing to work weekends.

Finishing off the week, both myself and Selectman Duane Gates, traveled to the Killingworth Town Hall, to join First Selectman, Eric Couture in a meeting with Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz. We each spoke about our respective towns and about our goals and priorities. It is somewhat comforting to realize that our challenges are not unique to Deep River but rather are shared by other small towns. We all struggle with budgets that give so much to education, that little is left to make significant progress in other areas. Duane and I shared Deep River’s wish list: funding for a new fire house, funding to cap the former landfill, money for infrastructure (sidewalks, a bike path) and help to resolve traffic and speeding issues. We also mentioned our needs of affordable housing and sewer expansion. It was a productive meeting. We were all treated to delicious scones, muffins and pasties from Bittersweet Bistro in Killingworth. Their web site states that all of the breads, baked goods, coffee, and produce come from small local businesses and farms. 

First selectman with susan b

Job Openings:

  • The town is hiring for a Wetlands Enforcement Officer. The job description will be posted by mid-week. This is a part time job opportunity. Call the Selectman’s Office for more information.
  • The town will also be hiring for summer, seasonal help beginning in March. These positions include gate guards, life guards, and town crew. Plan to work for the town this summer. Help us spread the word about these great opportunities.
  • PT-Recording Secretary-Board of Selectman
  • PT-Recording Secretary-Board of Finance
  • FT-Transfer Station Attendant-Transfer Station
  • PT-Assistant in the Building Department

Finally, beginning in February, I want to get out and meet with those who are unable to come in to meet with me; lets do coffee! I am working on a clever name for it…’First Selectman Fridays’ come to mind. So, let’s set the date for Friday, February 9th (my son’s birthday!). I will send the location next week, but I will plan on being there from 7:00-8:00 am.  Mark your calendars. And, I will take suggestions for a new name for our coffee klatch.

Have a great weekend. Stay warm.
