COVID-19 reaches Deep River


We were notified this evening that the Connecticut Department of Public Health has confirmed the first case of COVID-19 among Deep River residents. The patient is young and is recovering at home with her family, who are all self-isolating.

COVID -19 is a highly contagious virus, and as testing has been ramping up, positive cases in our area have been expected. Connecticut River Area Health District (CRAHD) continues to monitor the situation and will ensure that all appropriate CDC guidance is followed. I anticipate that we will continue to get more cases as the infection spreads and testing becomes more available.

This first case is a reminder to us all to review the messages being delivered by the CDC, the CT DPH, and our local health department, CRAHD. If you do not need to be out in public, don’t be! The theory is simple: Less contact + less exposure = less infection = less death. It is our main objective to keep Deep River residents safe, and to help slow the spread of the virus. The single best way to slow the spread is to practice social distancing. I strongly encourage all residents of our town to take the following actions to help protect themselves, their family, and their community:

STAY HOME if you are sick, except to get medical care.

HANDS: wash them often--with soap--for at least 20 seconds.

ELBOW: cough into it. A tissue is better—unlike your elbow, it can be tossed after use.

FACE: don't touch it. You may be surprised at the frequency with which you find your hand reaching up to……STOP. Try pretending that your chin – eyes – nose – forehead are electrified.

SPACE: if you have only two feet at your immediate disposal, multiply by three—six feet (or more) is optimal. That’s not too hard outdoors. Depending on the number of people you share your space with, maintaining a full six feet between occupants may be tricky. The young and limber may be called to exhibit some extra moves when confronted with the less-bendable members of your tribe.

STAY HOME: stay in as much as you can. We more mature citizens may recall a time, long, long ago, when we happily occupied ourselves with board games.

CLEAN and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Anyone who feels symptomatic of COVID-19 should stay at home and call or email their primary care provider with questions. They can also call the State of Connecticut’s 2-1-1 line if instructed by their primary care provider to arrange testing or if they have questions about being tested. A series of questions will be asked by a 2-1-1 representative to determine if testing is appropriate.

The crisis has hit us, and it will only grow. Please remember to stay calm, to practice social distancing, to check in regularly with your friends and neighbors, and to wash your hands. We will weather this storm, and we will do so together.